Friday, October 30, 2009

cassette compilation!!!!

hey everyone! so danny(boys and sex), and jeremy(band name) live in a great warehouse with a bunch of other rad people (peter,joe,kyle,marshal, kat, greg) called big mamas warehouse. Big mamas warehouse throws shows, has a beautiful recording studio called headroom (where we recorded our EP), and an in house screen printing press. all of these people are in great bands, like boys and sex, peter and craig, algernon cadwallader, band name, and kyle is in dangerous ponies. So danny had the idea to put together a compilation of in house bands, bands that are good friends that have played at the house, and great bands that are good friends with the house or bands in it. This is an awesome way to promote musical community, and there is going to be a great release show for the cassette compilation, featuring ALGERNON CADWALLADER, BOYS AND SEX, DANGEROUS PONIES, HOP ALONG QUEEN ANSLIES, and BANDNAME. We will be selling them at the cassette release and also at our shows. hopefully if this goes well for danny and the bands it will turn into a compilation of 7 inches of all sorts of things like b-sides and rare takes HOPEFULLY recorded at head room they're in house studio. so here are some of the graphics designed by greg (bandname)

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